Virginia Veterans Services Foundation


Supporting VSF

As a contributor, you may join with others who, like you, value and appreciate the sacrifices our troops and their families make for our freedom and peace of mind. You may show your support for Virginia Veterans through:

  • Payroll Deductions
  • Matching Gifts
  • Honorary and Memorial Gifts
  • Gifts In-Kind
  • Estate Planning Gifts
  • Securities as Gifts

Please contact the Foundation for contributions relating to in-kind donations, estate planning gifts, and securities. The Foundation has facilities to accept marketable securities as donations.

The Foundation encourages individuals and organizations to plan, organize, and conduct fundraising events to provide funds for Virginia Veterans and their families. Interested parties who would like to host an event can start by submitting a Fundraising Registration Form.

The Virginia Veterans Services Foundation shall ensure:

  • Contributions are used in accordance with the donor’s intentions. Each dollar raised stays right here in Virginia.
  • Privacy of all donors is respected. Donor information shall not be sold, rented, exchanged, loaned, and otherwise shared with other non-profits and other organizations.
  • A high level of fiduciary responsibility to donors by publishing financial reports regarding the use and management of the funds on the Foundation’s website

VSF Thanks Our Contributors

Contributor Levels

Contributor levels, like military rank, indicate scope and capacity within the organizational mission. A one star contributor can have the same dedication and commitment to accomplishing mission goals as a five star contributor.

Therefore, no contribution is too small or too large.

Contributors may be recognized at Foundation and DVS functions and events, in news releases, through social media, and through other types of recognition unless they request to maintain their privacy.

Please Note

  • Donations reflect cumulative contributions received since July 1, 2017.
  • If viewers have comments or questions, please contact Kayla Arestivo by emailing Many thanks for your support of our Virginia veterans and their families.
  • Donors have the opportunity to have their names removed from the Contributor list at any time by contacting the Foundation office.

How Gifts From Donors Such as Smithfield Foods Help the Virginia Veteran Homeless Fund

On any given night in Virginia, approximately 450 veterans are homeless. We work to end that through the Virginia Veteran Services Foundation, which has received a $100,000 gift from Smithfield Foods, announced Oct. 2, 2020, by Gov. Ralph Northam.


From Service to Support: Help Our Veterans Thrive

Your contribution will enable us to offer financial assistance to veterans and their families during times of hardship, ensuring they have the support they need.

Charitable Tax Deductible Status
Donations may be tax deductible under section § 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Donations are placed in the Veterans Services Fund and will not revert to the Commonwealth’s General Fund.

Virginia Veterans Services Foundation, 101 North 14th Street, 17th Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219

© All Rights Reserved, Virginia Veterans Services Foundation

Country of Permanent Establishment: United States of America

Freedom of Information Act